Fist of Justice


fresh, peppery, bright


fermented strawberry


lemon balm tea


w/ strawberry arugula lemon foam



30ml lemon feta vodka

15ml arugula vodka

15ml Pisco torontel

15ml fermented strawberry

30ml lemon balm tea

45ml water

3g sugar

0.75g citric acid

0.15g salt

Lemon Feta Vodka

Blend 80g of lemon peels with 1L of vodka and 12g of ascorbic acid until fine. Strain through a chinois.

Add 150g of crumbled feta to the vodka and refrigerate for 24 hours. Strain through filter topping off until clear.

Arugula Vodka

In a blender, add 1L of vodka with 6g of ascorbic acid; run on low until ascorbic is dissolved. Next add 100g of arugula and pulse the blender until the leaves start to shred then run on high for 30 seconds.

Distribute into centrifuge jugs and spin at 4200rpm for 20 minutes.Once done spinning, carefully strain through filter. Do not squeeze contents of the filter as this will cause it to become cloudy.

Fermented Strawberry

Follow instructions here.

Lemon Balm Tea

Combine 20g of lemon balm and 1L of water to let sit at room temperature for 24 hours. Strain through a filter.

Strawberry Arugula Lemon Foam

First make arugula water:

In a blender add 500ml of water with 4g of ascorbic acid; run on low until ascorbic is dissolved. Next add 20g of arugula and pulse the blender until the leaves start to shred then run on high for 30 seconds. Strain through a filter.

Mix together gently 100ml clarified strawberry juice, 100ml lemon juice,50ml arugula water, 250ml water, 10g sugar, and 5g of foam magic.

Pour mixture into an iSi, charge with N2O and shake well, then charge with a second N2O charger and shake well again before serving.

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