Boogey Man


nutty, tropical


almond butter
toasted coconut
fermented strawberry

w/ banana foam + strawberry coconut powder



52.5ml almond butter agricole

45ml banana water

7.5ml toasted coconut

7.5ml fermented strawberry

37.5ml water

7.5ml sugar

0.75ml citric acid

0.15g salt

Almond Butter Agricole

Warm-up almond butter until it's easily spreadable. Spread 200g into a deep-walled container. Refrigerate for 60 minutes to harden the almond butter again.

Gently pour 1L of agricole over the top of the almond butter then refrigerate for 48 hours. Strain through filter.

Banana Water

In a blender combine 1200g of peeled under-ripe bananas, with 12gascorbic acid, 10ml Pectinex Ultra SP-L, and 100ml of water. Blend until a puree is made. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour; use saran wrap on the puree to limit contact with air.

Next, distribute into centrifuge jugs and spin at 4200rpm for 20 minutes. Once done spinning, carefully strain through filter.

Toasted Coconut Tincture

Sous vide 100g of toasted coconut with 1L of vodka for 90 minutes at 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Transfer to a crushed ice bath for 5 minutes to slow the infusing process and to cool the bag to handle safely. Strain through filter.

Fermented Strawberry

Remove the strawberry tops, then in a large cambro combine 500g of whole strawberries with 500g of sugar. Mix around to get all the strawberries coated. Let sit at room temperature for 5 days, mixing everyday.

On the 5th day mix together well, then pour through achinois and let all the liquid drain and set aside strawberries. Mix the liquid until sugar is fully dissolved and bottle your syrup.

Banana Foam

Gently mix 200ml of banana water with 300ml water, 10g of sugar, and 5g of foam magic. Pour mixture into an iSi,charge with N2O and shake well, then charge with a second N2O charger and shake well again before serving.

Toasted Coconut Powder

In a food processor add 20g of toasted coconut, 35g of coconut oil, and 60g of N-zorbit. Blend until all oil turns into a fine powder.

Strawberry Coconut Powder

Mix 20g of toasted coconut powder with 10g of freeze dried strawberry powder and put into a duster. Store with a silica packet to prevent clumping.

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